Thursday, April 8, 2010

Avid Diva - This chick ain't me, is she?

Avid Diva, my other story...

While it's still a "baby story", its origins began when I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade. Here is the daydream that helped to create Avid Diva. I imagined that I had an "alter ego". She seemed to be between the ages of 19 and 24? What's even weirder is that she wore a black bodysuit and lived on a ship in outerspace. Yeah, pretty odd. And I wasn't sure if she was a villain or a hero. She made jokes to herself, and a small animal sidekick? I'm not sure. My memory is a little fuzzy. But I do remember she had somewhat of an ego...maybe because she had no human contact. Anyway, that's how it started.

It's becoming something almost entirely different.

- She will look almost exactly like me (hair color, eye color, body shape, etc.)
- Her personality will be the same as I imagined.
- Black will be a key color for her.

- Chances are she won't be living in a spaceship. Ha ha. (maybe in HER imagination.)
- Bodysuits aren't considered "normal" attire in the 21st century, as far as I know.
- Will probably be more sociable.
- The plot: she is destined (blessed) to be celibate.

Her journey has begun. :)

~ tessmarie (April 8, 2010)

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